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Ag Leader Hardware Takes YouTube by Storm!

by Dec 26, 2012Ag Leader, Training & Support

At Ag Leader Technology, customers are our number one priority, evidenced by rigorous product testing, unmatched customer support and unrivalled dealer and customer training resources. To supplement these preexisting assets, we’re introducing an improvement to one of our most popular educational resources, YouTube.

Enters Sam.


Sam is one of our best and brightest precision agriculture experts on staff, and he has dedicated his valuable time to creating new and improved hardware video tutorials for dealers and customers (these things are awesome!!). The videos will make you a display genius. Literally.

Sam has a degree in agriculture business from the prestigious Iowa State University, nearly three years of experience with Ag Leader products and is a true-blue farm-boy to boot! This guy knows what he’s talking about.

I digress.

Take advantage of these new tutorials. They’re short, easy to follow and most importantly will help you get the job done right. Sam will help you better understand your Ag Leader products, but don’t just take my word for it – check it out! AgLeaderTutorials