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Soybean Planting Dates

by Nov 7, 2017AgFiniti®, SeedCommand®, Value of Data

Research from many sources has shown repeatedly that planting dates are critical when trying to achieve high yields in soybeans.

A customer noticed an odd pattern in the yield map on the  InCommand™ display while harvesting soybeans. After some quick investigation on-the-go in the cab, using summary reports, we picked up the iPad and began to look closer using AgFiniti® Mobile. Below are some screenshots with an explanation. Riding in the combine, the soybeans on the western part of the map looked stronger, but the data says otherwise. The variety that was planted on this block of land is a late Maturity Group 4. Looking at the data, the grower remembered planting was interrupted and the soybeans on the eastern part of this farm are 20 days older. The field isn’t finished yet, but projections are the earlier planting date will out-yield the later by 10 BPA. Timeliness is money!

10 bpa X $9.50/bushel = $95/Acre

*I concealed the product and grower names in these images purposefully to protect the privacy of our customers and to avoid endorsing any particular seed variety. Independence and farmer-friendly data is of high importance at Ag Leader.

There is an obvious difference in yield delineated by a line running N/S. (The line is a road the machine cuts across with no beans.) Field average so far is just under 65 BPA.

Querying the western portion, the average is around 63 BPA.

Querying the eastern portion, the yield is around 73 BPA.

To find out more about how InCommand can improve your planting operation, read more here


Here are a couple links for reference: