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We Are Ag Leader – Chris Blome

by Jul 11, 2018Ag Leader, Ag Leader News

Our dedicated dealer network is the backbone of our company. Take a second to meet some of the local precision experts across the country, and around the world.

What is your name, position, dealership & location: Chris Blome, Owner, Premier Technologies, Alden & Clear Lake, IA.

How long have you been selling Ag Leader products? I have been selling Ag Leader products for 9 years.

What’s your favorite thing about selling precision ag products? I really enjoy meeting new people and learning about their operations. Every person and operation is so different; one blanket solution doesn’t fit them all, so we tailor our solutions to fit each of our customer’s needs.

What do you enjoying about working with Ag Leader? My two favorite things about working with Ag Leader are #1: the people and #2: the products. When I worked at Ag Leader after college, I formed relationships with many of the people that I am still working with today. The culture of Ag Leader is second to none in the industry; it’s so easy to get along with Ag Leader when we have confidence that the products will always perform. We know when we put a system in the field for the first time, it will work as expected for many years to come.

In five years, the new, hot precision ag product on the market will be… Wireless field sensors that are planted with seed and transmit moisture, fertility, temperature, etc back to the office providing real time information to make applications in a more timely manner.


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